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Corporate Classes

Give your team a memorable experience.

Is your team still working remotely? Have some of you moved back home or out of the city? Do you have new team members that have joined and haven't even had a proper chat with their colleagues? Are you trying to organise some team events, but you end up just awkwardly looking at each other on Zoom without any activity behind it? 
Here's an idea for you! Get your team together online, from the comfort of their home, have fun cooking something following my guidance (don't worry, it's gonna be super simple even for beginners), learn something new that you can easily replicate and then you can all enjoy what you've cooked together and have a chat and a drink. Food brings people together, we all know that and it can bring your team together from all corners of the world, too.
Don't be shy, feel free to write me an email even if you're just curious and we can have an informal chat about what you're looking for and what options I can offer and see if that works for you. I can’t wait to customise an event for you!

Cooking Class
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